Summit Gymnastics Frequently Asked Questions:
Where are you located?
Our physical address is 201 Aspen Drive. We are housed in a portion of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in the Richardson Park subdivision of Buffalo, WY. (Our mailing address is 351 N. Adams St, Buffalo, WY.)
Where can I find a registration form?
Please click here for a registration form.
Do I need to pre-register my child? How do I register my child?
Currently, there is no need for pre-registration. You are welcome to register here beforehand, or wait until your child’s first day.
How do I pay for my child? Do you accept all forms of payment?
We accept checks or cash at the gym. (Locked box on parent deck.) We accept credit cards through the Studio Director site only. The session fee is paid in full at the beginning of the session.
What does the session fee pay for? Week/Month/Session?
Our session fee pays for a 16-week session for the Fall and Winter/Spring sessions, and for a 12-week modified Summer schedule.
Can I come in and look at the gym before signing up my child?
Of course! We welcome visits any time during gym hours. Our gym is open during the school year from 3:45—8:15pm. Summer hours are usually 9am-3:00pm.
Help! The session has already started. Can my child still join?
Yes! We are happy to take children into the gym all year long. Depending upon how far into the session we are, our registration process will pro-rate your fees.
What does my child wear to gymnastics?
Comfortable clothing. Leotards are not required, but are welcome, as are unitards, t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, leggings, and sweats. We do not want children wearing jeans/jean shorts in the gym as the buttons and rivets could rip or get caught on equipment/mats/trampolines. If your child has forgotten their gym clothes, we may have some in the gym that may fit them, or they may be asked to sit out some things.
Is there a discount for families?
Yes, the child with the highest session fee pays their full fee. The second child receives a 25% discount. The third and fourth child receives a 50% discount. All children have a $20 club fee per session, which is not discounted. These discounts are taken care of in the registration process.
Developmental/Beginner classes are offered 1 or 2 times per week. Does it matter which days my child comes?
If you choose to come one day per week, we prefer if you choose a day, Tuesday or Thursday, and try to stick with it for the session.
- If my daughter is sick one of her days, can she make it up?
- Of course! We welcome gymnasts to make up sick days. If you signed up for a Tuesday class, but kiddo was sick, feel free to bring that Thursday. Telling the coach why your kiddo is there on a different day is helpful.
- We come from Sheridan/Big Horn/Kaycee. If the roads are bad, can we make up a missed day?
- Of course! We understand that will happen during the winter. It is helpful to let Coach Hal know that is what you are doing.
If my daughter starts at one day/wk and she loves it, can we add days?
Yes! Membership can adjust your enrollment online. Studio Director will figure the cost adjustment.
What classes do you offer during the summer?
We offer all classes except Tots during the summer. Our summer schedule is different from our school schedule, and we offer classes in the mornings into the early afternoon to avoid being in the gym during the heat of the day.
Do you offer private lessons?
Not at this time.